Changing My Blog From Google AdSense To Ezoic

In this article I’m going to go over why I’ve changed ad networks from Google AdSense to Ezoic and how it’s going so far.
This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my link, at no extra cost to you. Please read full disclosure here.

How much traffic
First thing I’ll say the traffic to my website is still pretty small. I haven’t really been focusing on it full time as I’ve been working on other streams so don’t be put off by the small amounts I’ve earnt so far, as I still think there is huge potential with blogging and ad revenue!
➡️ Find your niche
I’ve been experimenting directing people directly from Pinterest to products or an Amazon Influencer page. Personally my experience from doing this I would say always direct your traffic to your blog. This means if you need to update any affiliate links, or update articles you can do so without having to update a ton of Pinterest pins which can be very very time consuming, or links on other platforms!
If you have a store it might be worth hooking up your domain on to it so you can keep the same URL as your website/blog. This does normally cost a little bit of money. What could be better is to write posts about your products, so while you are directing people to your products you can also earn money through ad revenue.
What I’ve done is set up redirects on my blog, which I can write a tutorial about in another blog post.
If you have built your blog on WordPress you can search for links within your posts. I personally could not find a way to do this on Squarespace so it’s definitely something to consider when you start a blog. The reason I mention this is because I think it’s always best to drive traffic to your blog so you can have multiply streams of income, but also you can future proof your business.

Revenue from ads
Below are my earnings from Google AdSense over February. I have had Google AdSense on my site for a few months but it wasn’t really earning me anything, total up until I took it off was about $NZ0.80

This is my revenue from starting Ezioc, this is from 7 days. It’s in US dollars below.

I had set the Google ads to not have too many ads on my pages. At the moment Ezoic ads are set to ad testing.
Ezoic provides access to sophisticated, yet easy-to-use tools for monetizing your website. This includes artificial intelligence to test and automate experiments that will allow you to find the best locations for ads; while providing access to premium ad partners, ad exchanges, and revenue opportunities.
I have set the ads to not show at the top of my pages as I don’t like that ad placement. How you can turn ad placements off is by using the Ezoic chrome plugin. I tried using the code on the dashboard but it didn’t seem to work. In the next section I’ll go over using the Ezoic Chrome plugin.

How to use the Ezoic plugin to set up your ads
How I got the Ezoic Chrome plugin to work is I set the plugin to work in an incognito window.
How to set the Ezoic plugin to work in an incognito window
- Go to extensions
- Click the 3 dots next to the Ezoic plugin
- Click manage extension
- Toggle allow in incognito window.
- Then in the incognito window make sure you aren’t logged in to the WordPress dashboard.
Now you can use the plugin to show the ad placements, on the website you’ll see the ad placements with green boxes.

Choose whether you don’t want that ad to show on that page or sitewide. You can also add in ad placements.
Ezoic Support
One thing I noticed with Ezoic is depending on what level you are with them will depend what support you have, so at the moment I’m at level 1 which besides Googling other people’s advice I only have access to the community to ask questions, not someone directly with the company.
WordPress web page won’t update
I had an issues updating my website when I first installed Ezoic. When I contacted Hostinger that I couldn’t get my page to update they suggested a few things to check:
- The theme
- Any plugins
- Clearing cache with Litespeed cache
- Clearing the server cache from within Hostinger
My issue was that they told me about was that Ezoic can also store a cached version of your website. See the screenshots below of how to clear the cache on Ezoic.
Choose Leap from the top menu, then select Caching

Then scroll down to the bottom.
I first tried clearing the cache of the particular page but that didn’t work so I cleared the cache for the whole site and it worked. The page was then updated to the new design.

Drive traffic to your blog using Pinterest
The best way I’ve found to drive traffic to my blog is through Pinterest. You can learn more about Pinterest through these courses, there is also a free course which is very good. Amy has been a Pinterest manager for many years and her courses have a great reputation.
Blogging might be a slow process to start earning money from it but as you can see it is possible even with a relatively new blog. There are many bloggers out there that earn thousands a month from their blog. They will say it takes consistency and perseverance to get there.
What I really like about blogging is that is can faceless, if the house is noisy it doesn’t matter too which is great when little feet are playing and running around.
When you create a blog and use Pinterest to drive traffic, the content has a longer life time than most social media platforms, which means once there is traffic going to your blog, you don’t necessarily have to be producing content every day. Also within WordPress and Pinterest you can schedule your content for the days that you can’t work.