Quitting Instagram

I’d been toiling with the idea of quitting Instagram for quite a while.
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I’ve found running a business on Instagram tiring.
I realized I don’t actually enjoy creating short videos. I’m not saying it’s not worth exploring as a way to run a business, but for me I didn’t enjoy constantly being on, creating new content and stories every day was exhausting.
There are definitely more passive platforms for creating a business or brand.
Since getting off Instagram I feel calmer. I don’t feel over stimulated by the amount of short form videos.
I have also drastically reduced the time I’m on TikTok too.

I don’t feel the need to go on these platforms anymore. Partly because the way I feel not being on them.
Because I don’t feel drained and over stimulated I feel I have more energy and feel I can be more focused.
I’ve also been writing a lot more which I still don’t see myself as a writer but I’m really enjoying it. I actually find it so relaxing and I never thought I would.
I guess it goes to show trying something different can be a great way to find out what actually makes you happy.
When I realized I was really struggling with social media, I actually went to YouTube. There are actually a lot of people on there talking about how some have quit social media all together or just getting off certain platforms.
If you need to ideas to fill your time so you aren’t on these apps. I have ideas here for you to explore.
A side effect of being off Instagram and TikTok is that I’m watching more TV now. The thing is I don’t find that it’s as stimulating as the short form videos. I also like putting something on the background while I write. Again though I still feel it’s less stimulating than watching short form videos which is kind of crazy.
I don’t know how the next generation will be but, I can certainly see there are people out there trying to move back to being more present. Less on our phones. And doing things a little more natural for the body, like taking a walk or stretching for 10 minutes instead of doom scrolling for 10 minutes.
One thing that held me back from getting off them was if I hadn’t been on them I wouldn’t have know about certain things. I still have the apps but notifications are muted.
For example I’m thoroughly enjoying the Inner Bloom Academy and wouldn’t have known about that unless I was on Instagram.
I see how social media can have it’s pluses, for me I am happy that I feel I’ve found balance between being off them and going on them just for a very short time. For example I have made connections on Instagram, but I’ll only message I won’t consumer content. TikTok I like listening to some of the amazing music artists while I get ready for bed.
Have you considered taking a break from social media?