How To Transfer A WordPress Website In 2024

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I recently had to move my website and a lot of the articles I found referenced to the plugin “All In One”. But I couldn’t get this to work so I found another plugin which has made it very easy.

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I’ll got over the steps of what I did.

This will work if you are moving between hosting plans or changing your hosting provider.

First off I set up a new WordPress website, a blank one on where I wanted to copy my website to.

Follow the instructions of your provider, for me on Hostinger I used a temporary domain.

Then I installed Migrate Guru

Watch the handy video to learn how to use it.

Once you’ve copied your content across, for me I updated my domain.

On Hostinger I went to:

Websites > Dashboard > Click on “Manage” underneath “Domain” near the top.

For me that worked for my website. If you have an issues reach out to your hosting provider for more help.