Ultimate Minimalistic Wardrobe

Woman in White Crew Neck T-shirt and Brown Shorts

If you struggle with too many clothes it can be hard to keep track of what you are using and what is just gathering dust.

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In this article we’ll explore a simply way to approach your wardrobe.

Feel free to change up the color’s of your wardrobe to suit your taste.

Fashion Woman in Jeans and White Shirt Posing in Field

Keeping your wardrobe simply with classic items can be a great way to minimize your wardrobe while saving time wondering what goes with what!


Here’s a list of recommended amount of items, this will be dependent on how often you wash your clothing and whether you live some where warmer or colder and if you have a tumble dryer to get those clothes dryer quicker.

3 x white sthirts

3 x black tshirts

2 black dresses

2 short dungarees

2 long dungarees

2 jegggings

3 x Jumpers

1 x pair of trainers

1 x ballerina pumps

Person Holding White Starbucks Mug




Scarfs (can add a burst of color, explore scarf ideas here)


Light weight coat

Warm coat

Underwear and bras that will go work with what clothing you buy

Depending on your preference whether you prefer, jeans, dungarees, jeggings, or dresses find styles and colors that can compliment each other so you don’t have to have loads of different items because they don’t match color wise.