Building A Business As An Introverted Person

Blank wall with upper part of Asian woman face hidden behind white book

You might think you need to show your face to build a business or talk on camera.

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Personally I’ve bought from businesses where I’ve seen the person’s face behind the business but also when I didn’t see the person’s face.

If it was a large investment I would reach out to the business to enquire first to see if they responded and how they responded.

Depending on what product a business is promoting will depend on whether a customer needs to know the person behind the business.

For example affiliate marketing can be a great way to start a business without showing your face as you will tend to be promoting products that are from well known platforms, for example it could be products on Amazon or Walmart.

At the bottom of my blog, I have my YouTube channel linked. Now I’m someone who’s pretty quiet, I don’t like talking on camera. I feel I’m not very good at talking on camera, but you’ll see I’ve got thousands on views on some of my videos.

When I started my YouTube, I wanted to share helpful information. I felt it didn’t matter so much about my personality, but that I can help people with a problem.

I’m proud of starting up that YouTube channel, but you might be surprised it’s a tiny percentage of traffic to my business. I’m talking about 2% traffic!

My biggest driver of traffic at the moment is Pinterest. As someone who finds it hard to talk on camera, honestly, I just go phew! I can create content without showing my face and drive about 50% of my traffic with Pinterest.

Now, some niches do well on Pinterest, and some aren’t so popular.

Other ways you can drive traffic to your business as an introverted person is to use more text based platforms or ads.

Think Twitter, Facebook pages, Facebook ads, and Linkedin. Other platforms like Medium and Substack are great for written content too.

One thing about starting a business is actually starting. Or if you’ve made a start that’s amazing but some people including myself have hit road blocks like experiencing imposter syndrome.

Working through these stoppers can be tricky but also easy if you have resources to help guide you on your journey.

Breaking away from limiting beliefs and manifesting your desires with actionable steps can be a great way to work towards your business and life goals.

Personally development can take many forms which can be learnt within the Inner Bloom Academy.

The Inner Bloom Academy is made for women, but the Everyday Happiness guide is for men and women, it covers some similar subjects like limiting beliefs, what could be distracting you from achieving your goals and being happy, and so much more over more than 60 pages. Included is a journal so you can write down and work on what could be holding you back and work out how to move forward with your goals in life including money and business.

I hope this inspires you and that feelings of self doubt or imposter syndrome don’t have to hold you back from fulfilling your dreams.